k...i had the most amazing revelation and experience over Christmas....sadly just now getting to sharing, but hey, better late than never eh? so our family was fighting a "BUG" for the the third Christmas in a row....what is up with that?????? one sleepless night, i was confessing, as i had been doing for days, healing over my son, who was at the moment, suffering quite a bit....and it HIT ME..... even if you've never had the experience of being in a dysfunctional relationship with a member of the opposite sex, you've at least had a friend who experienced one, or at the VERY LEAST seen a episode of "jerry springer" in passing, LOL! we've all seen this though....they ask the person WHY they "love" the other person and their answer goes something like this, "because they treat me good or do things for me." i've experienced this and it stinks!!! i WANT to be loved for who i am as a person, not for what i can do for the other person... so here i am 'thanking GOD' all night for healing but it's just not getting there fast enough and my little one is suffering so that i'm starting to loose a little faith.... it was then i realized that GOD is no different than us in that aspect...he too wants to be loved and/or praised for who HE IS and not just what he does for us...the moment i started PRAISING HIM, things immediately started to turn around for us....PRAISE HIM, PRAISE HIM!